Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, including at least 70 carcinogens that are released every time a tobacco product is smoked. Some of these substances are found naturally in the tobacco leaf and the others are created through combustion.

Here are some: Tar, Nicotine, Carbon monoxide, Formaldehyde, Hydrogen cyanide, Benzene, Arsenic, cigarette smoke also produces PM10 in a similar way to traffic pollution.

The FDA in the United States has conducted some toxicological tests and found traces of nitrosamines (( TSNA ) Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines) carcinogens in liquids with nicotine used for electronic cigarettes.

However, they forgot to mention the amount of nitrosamines found in these liquids.
Furthermore, they forgot to compare it with the amount of nitrosamines found in tobacco cigarettes.

Zachary Cahn and Michael Siegel (University of California) Here the complete study , published a table on the “Journal of Public Health” comparing the amount of nitrosamines found in electronic cigarettes, with that found in various brands of traditional cigarettes.

Only 8,18 ng (nanograms) of nitrosamines in one ml of liquid for electronic cigarette, compared with 3365-9290 ng (nanograms) for 1 traditional cigarette. So from 500 to 400 times more than an electronic cigarette.

Which of these do you think is dangerous for your health and public health?