The therapeutic cannabis now prevalently spread in the form of CBD has been used for at least 5,000 years and has a long history as a medicine throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and America.

What is therapeutic cannabis, CBD and THC

The therapeutic cannabis comes from medicinal cannabis plants grown without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. It is used in the medical field to treat a disease or improve its symptoms.

The healing properties of cannabis derive from its high content ofcannabidiol (CBD) and from the levels of terpenes and medical flavonoids.It also contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the molecule that gives psychoactive effects that most recreational users look for.

Through traditional plant selection techniques and seed exchanges, growers produced cannabis plants with higher levels of CBD and low THC levels for medical use.

42% of patients have better results with therapeutic cannabis

A team of the Brightfield group and the HelloMD medical site (which brings together doctors and patients who choose to use therapeutic cannabis), carried out a survey taking as a sample 2,400 people from their community of about 150 thousand members to analyze their relationship with products based on CBD and evaluate the results obtained.

It turned out that 42% of people who use CBD to treat their health condition had permanently put aside traditional drugs.
